This module will use a simulation to explain how to approve a payment issue request.
Approving Entity Payment and Recovery Transactions
This module will use a simulation to describe how to approve a payment or recovery transaction. It will then differentiate rejecting a payment or recovery transaction from unapproving it. Then, the module will use two more simulations to explain how to reject a payment or recovery transaction and how to unapprove a payment or recovery transaction.
Viewing Entity Payment and Recovery Transactions
This module will use a simulation to describe how to view the payment and recovery transactions.
Performing Entity Payment and Recovery Transactions
This module will use simulations to describe how to create a payment or recovery transaction, how to modify a payment or recovery transaction, how to delete a payment or recovery transaction in the “In Review” status, how to add member details, and how to add service line details.
Assessment: Managing Payment Deductions
Modifying a Provider Payment Withhold
This module will use simulations to describe how to modify payment withholds with or without future-dated provider deduction code association.
Creating a Provider Payment Withhold
This module will first define payment withhold and then describe how to create a provider payment withhold by using a simulation.
Payment Deductions: An Overview
This module will describe the payment deductions management process, and then the list the roles involved in payment deductions management.
Modifying a Payment Deduction Code
This module will use simulation to explain how to modify payment deduction codes that are associated to a provider or not associated to a provider.