P&T Committee

The Pharmacy and Therapeutics (P&T) Committee provides an evaluation of criteria for drug coverage within the Medicaid Program. The Committee is composed of Physicians & Pharmacists who meet quarterly to consider PDL implementation. These meetings are held virtually on the third Thursday of the month at 7:00 A.M. Notices for exact meeting times and locations will be published in the Legal Notices sections of the Salt Lake Newspapers at least 24 hours in advance.

The meetings are open to the public. To receive public notice of this meeting by email please sign at the Utah Public Notice website.

Listed below are meeting minutes, recordings, agendas, criteria review documents, and reports regarding the P&T Committee. Please note that if a meeting is not held, no minutes will be posted for that month.

P&T Committee Google Meet recordings are available at P&T Committee Meeting Recording Playlist. For historical meeting recordings please contact us via email at [email protected].

Updates from P&T Committee Meetings are provided through the Medicaid Information Bulletins (MIB), and on this website.

The documents are provided in Adobe format. If you cannot view a file, please download the free plug-in from the link below.

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Directory contents


NameTypeLast Modified
Open folderCriteria Review Documents/Folder
Open folderDraft Future Agendas/Folder
Open folderMinutes/Folder
Download fileP&T Committee By-Laws.pdfFile02/25/2025