Employment-related Personal Assistant Services (EPAS)
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What is EPAS?
EPAS is a Medicaid service for people with disabilities who work and need personal assistance in order to remain employed.
This service is designed to provide personal assistance for people who may have physical, mental, cognitive, and/or developmental disabilities that are working in an integrated and competitive setting. The assistance provided is for tasks directly related to maintaining employment.
Who is eligible for EPAS services?
EPAS Services may be available to a person who:
- Has been determined to have a disability (as established by the Social Security Administration or the State Medical Review Board)
- Is currently receiving Utah Medicaid (May be paying a spenddown or Medicaid Work Incentive premium)
- Is currently employed in an integrated community setting making at least minimum wage
- Is currently working a minimum of 40 hours per month or is self-employed
- Needs personal assistance in order to maintain their employment
What services may be provided by a Personal Assistant?
Personal assistants may only provide help with ADLs and IADLs in support of assisting the EPAS participant to maintain employment. Services are not available for other household participants living with the Medicaid participant. Examples of services provided by a personal assistant may include assistance with:
Mobility in Bed | Eating | Meal Preparation |
Transferring | Toileting | Ordinary Housework |
Ambulation | Personal Hygiene | Laundry |
Dressing | Bathing | Managing Finances |
Medication Reminders | Shopping | Transportation (for work) |
What Services may NOT be provided by a Personal Assistant?
Job Coaching | Reasonable Accommodations | Job Training |
Medical Transportation | Other Tasks Not Authorized on Care Plans |
EPAS may not be used for assistance related to complete job tasks, including job coaching, job training, or as a reasonable accommodation that an employer is required to provide under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
Who can be a Personal Assistant?
EPAS is a Self-Directed Services (SAS) program that allows the EPAS participant to select and hire his/her own personal assistant(s).
A Personal Assistant:
- May NOT be a legal guardian (i.e. Parent to a minor child or Spouse)
- Must be at least 16 years of age
- Have a valid driver’s license
- Have automobile liability insurance
Examples of people who can be Personal Assistants include:
- Parents (If the EPAS participant is at least 18 years of age)
- Family
- Friends
- Neighbors
- Co-workers
- Individual hired through an ad
How Do I Apply?
Complete the EPAS application and submit it to the EPAS Specialist by email, fax, or mail
Email: epas@utah.gov
Fax: (801) 323-1588
Mail: Department of Health and Human Services
Division of Integrated Healthcare
Attn: EPAS Specialist
PO Box 143112
Salt Lake City, UT 84114-3112
For questions regarding the application, please contact Denise Hansen by phone (801) 538-6955 or by email at epas@utah.gov
For more information, refer to the following fact sheets:
Other Sources for Personal Assistance Services Click here
Personal Assistance Services (PAS) and other similar kinds of support are also available to persons eligible for the Medicaid Home and Community Based Waiver Services. The Physical Disabilities Waiver, the Community Supports Waiver, the Acquired Brain Injury Waiver, the New Choices Waiver, and the Aging Waiver.
Individuals participating in a Utah 1915 (c) Home and Community Based waiver program may NOT receive EPAS services when personal care services are provided as a component of covered waiver services.