Current Criteria
If not currently logged in, you will be redirected and prompted to login. If you have a Utah-ID and password, simply login to view the secure criteria documents.
If you do not currently have a Utah-ID and password, you will be required to register before viewing the Criteria sheets. Register by following these instructions:
- Under the “Don’t have a Utah-ID?” header, click on the “Register Here” link.
- Enter your first and last name.
- Create a username and click the “Check” button to ensure that your selected Utah-ID is not already in use.
- Create a password and verify by re-entering your password below the original.
- Enter a valid email address.
- Select three security questions and provide answers for each question. One of your security questions may be a custom question.
Once you have created a new account, an email will be sent to the address you have entered that contains a validation code. When prompted, you will need to enter this code. If for some reason you have not received a validation code when prompted, you may bypass the activation step for up to three times. Occasionally, due to the permissions process, it takes up to an hour from the time an account has been created to the time the user is allowed to enter and view the Criteria sheets.
For questions or problems accessing secure criteria documents via the website, please call Utah Medicaid Customer Service at (801) 538-6155 options 3, 2. For questions on how to use the secure criteria documents, please call the Utah Medicaid prior authorization staff at (801) 538-6155 option 3, 3, 9.