Approving Mass Resolve Batches


In this module, you will learn how to approve Mass Resolve batch results. You will also learn how to approve a single claim from a batch.

Reviewing and Submitting Mass Resolve Results


In this module, you will learn how to view the status of a Mass Resolve batch after Job validation. You will also learn how to review the claims associated to the batch and how to submit the batch to the supervisor for approval.

Rejecting a Mass Resolve Batch


In this module, you will learn how to reject a Mass Resolve batch before validation. You will also learn how to reject a Mass Resolve batch post validation.

Introduction to Mass Resolve Tasks on Suspended Claims


In this module, you will be introduced to the mass resolution function of the Claims and Encounter subsystem. You will also identify the different components of the mass resolution function, such as TCN, errors and error dispositions, and batch processing.