Explain How to process a Technology Dependent Waiver for Initial Enrollment
Processing Initial Enrollment for New Choices Waivers (State User)
Explain how an Agency review an New Choices Waiver for Initial Enrollment
Employment-related Personal Assistant Services – Initial Enrollment for a Provider
Explain How to generate a Care Plan PDF for an EPAS Applicant
Employment-related Personal Assistant Services – Processing the DOH Case Review – Initial Enrollment
Explain How to complete the Scoring Criteria Form for EPAS
Employment-related Personal Assistant Services – Entering an Application for a State User
Explain How to process Employment-Related Personal Assistant Service for Initial Enrollment
Processing an Aging Waiver Initial Enrollment for a Provider
Explain How to generate the 927 form for an applicant/member, so that users can submit to DWS to determine if the person qualifies financially for enrollment
Processing an Aging Waiver Initial Enrollment for a State User
Explain How to submit documents for an Aging Waiver
Submit Enrollment Application (2 minutes)
Submit Enrollment Application (2 minutes)
Complete Enrollment Checklist (4 minutes)
Complete Enrollment Checklist (4 minutes)
835/ERA Enrollment Form (5 minutes)
835/ERA Enrollment Form (5 minutes)