Explain How to record the Comprehensive Care Plan for an applicant/member, so that users can establish a Care Plan with services for the person.
Assessment: Employment-related Personal Assistant Services – EPAS
Explain How to Complete Scoring Criteria form
Employment-related Personal Assistant Services – Disenrollment for a Provider
Explain How to review Initial Enrollment for EPAS
Processing the Care Plan in the Aging Waiver Care Plan Amendment
Explain How to Review the Level of Care Required by the applicant/Member
Referring Managed Care Pended Transactions for Resolution
In this module, you will learn how to assign suspended transactions and transaction sets for review.
Resolving Managed Care Pended Payment Transactions
In this module, you will learn how to select Managed Care Payment (MC) transactions for resolution, resolve errors in MC transactions, and release transaction(s) for reprocessing after a transaction is forced or denied. You will also learn how to perform actions such as deny/deny all and force/force all transactions from the Pended Payment Transaction List and modify the pended payment transaction list.