Accessing the Check Status Application/Referral Page


? Explain How to access the Application/Referral page using UTAH Medicaid Webisite
? Use the Application/Referal to start an application and referral for the various waivers and EPAS

Entering an Application for the Aging Waiver Program for a State User


? Identify and operate an application for an Aging Waiver
? Identify and operate the enter details section
? Identify and operate Select Provider section
? Identify and operate the View/Upload documents section
? Submit an application for an Aging Waiver

Entering an Application for the Aging Waiver Program


? Identify and operate an application for an Aging Waiver
? Identify and operate the enter details section
? Identify and operate Select Provider section
? Identify and operate the View/Upload documents section
? Submit an application for an Aging Waiver