This module will describe how to access OFIN from PRISM.
PRISM Financial Services: An Overview
This module will first define financial contracts in the context of the Finance subsystem in PRISM. Then, it will provide the definitions of the entities in the context of the Finance subsystem. The module will also describe payments and recoveries in the context of the Finance subsystem in PRISM.
Approving Entity Payment and Recovery Transactions
This module will use a simulation to describe how to approve a payment or recovery transaction. It will then differentiate rejecting a payment or recovery transaction from unapproving it. Then, the module will use two more simulations to explain how to reject a payment or recovery transaction and how to unapprove a payment or recovery transaction.
Performing Entity Enrollment
This module will use simulations to describe how to enroll an entity, how to modify the details of an enrolled entity, and how to upload attachments.
Assessment: Managing Financial Contracts
Performing Entity Payment and Recovery Transactions
This module will use simulations to describe how to create a payment or recovery transaction, how to modify a payment or recovery transaction, how to delete a payment or recovery transaction in the “In Review” status, how to add member details, and how to add service line details.
Viewing Entity Payment and Recovery Transactions
This module will use a simulation to describe how to view the payment and recovery transactions.
Approving or Rejecting a Financial Contract
This module will first describe the approval process for a financial contract in the “In Review” status. It will then use a simulation to explain how to reject a financial contract in the “In Review” status.