MDS 3.0 Section Q

CMS has set an MDS 3.0 implementation date of October 1, 2010.  Included in the MDS 3.0 is the new Section Q which is designed to engage nursing facility residents in their discharge planning goals by directly asking the resident if they want information about long-term care community options.

The primary goal of Section Q is to support the nursing facility resident’s ability to learn more about options and supports for community living and to support individual choice. Section Q is also intended to promote information exchange between nursing homes, local contact agencies, and community-based long-term care providers. To promote the exchange of information, nursing facilities are required to notify the designated local state contact when a resident indicates they want information about community options.

To facilitate this process we are requesting that facilities complete the referral form for each resident that requests additional information about long-term care community options.  Once we have received the form we will send a packet of information to the resident.  This packet will contain information about Utah Medicaid waiver programs as well as information on non-Medicaid programs and contacts.  We will also notify the facility that the client has been sent the community option information.

Thank you for your assistance in this new process. If you have any questions or concerns, please call me at (801) 538-6861 or email

Trecia Carpenter


Referral Form opens in a new tab

Client Community Resource Information Packet opens in a new tab