Inpatient Hospital Resources Diagnosis-Related Group (DRG)

Utah Medicaid DRG Calculator Downloads

    Inpatient Resources

    Please click on one of the following links to be directed to specific resources available for that category:

    Diagnosis-Related Group (DRG)

    Disproportionate Share (DSH)
         - (DSH) Expenditures
         - (DSH) Audits

    Graduate Medical Education (GME)

    Hospital Assessment

    Shaken Baby Syndrome

    Contact Information:

    General Information

    Via U.S. Post Office

    Via UPS or FedEx

    DHHS, Division of Integrated Healthcare


    PO Box 143325

    Salt Lake City, UT  84114-3325

    DHHS, Division of Integrated Healthcare


    288 North 1460 West

    Salt Lake City, UT  84116-3231

    If you are unsure about an issue, please ask questions.