Long-Term Care Resources (NFs and ICFs/ID) Moratorium and Transfer of NF Beds

Transfer of Medicaid Beds

Please reference Statute
26B-3-313 opens in a new tab and Rule R414-508 opens in a new tab

Transferring Entity

Notice of Medicaid Bed Transfer – Form to complete and submit to transfer licensed Medicaid beds from a provider or entity.

Receiving Entity

Request for Medicaid Certification of Transferred Beds – Form to complete and submit to receive licensed Medicaid beds from a provider or entity.

Moratorium Exception

Please reference Statute
26B-3-311(5) or (7)

Moratorium Exception Request Application – Application to request additional beds.


Census – Occupancy data that is needed for Moratorium requests is available here.

For questions about Eligibility or individual Patient Care, click
here. opens in a new tab

Long-Term Care Resources (NFs and ICFs/ID)

Please click on one of the following links to be directed to specific resources available for that category:

Nursing Facilities
     - Rates

             - Historical Rates
     - FRV Calculator

     - MDS Case Mix Preview Report
     - QI Incentive Programs
     - Non-state Government Owned (NSGO)

          - UPL Program
     - Swing Bed Rates
     - Moratorium and Transfer of NF Beds
     - Additional Resources
     - Rates
     - Incentive Programs
FCP and FRV Forms

Bed Assessment Rates

Contact Information

To Submit Forms

If you are unsure about an issue, please ask questions.