Viewing Cutbacks by a State User


In this module, you will learn how a State user can view the cutback information for a selected claim. The cutback information shows any deduction from the Provider?s payment due to other insurance, member copayment, spenddown amounts, deductibles, or patient liability amounts.

Viewing Cutbacks by a Provider


In this module, you will learn how a provider can view the cutback information for a selected claim. The cutback information shows any deduction from the Provider?s payment due to other insurance, member copayment, spenddown amounts, deductibles, or patient liability amounts.

Viewing Change Log List by a State User


In this module, you will learn how a State user can view the change log summary for the selected claim based on the filter criteria entered.

Viewing Codes List by a Provider


In this module, you will learn how a provider can view Codes List information for an Institutional claim.