? In this module, you will learn how to view improper billing information for a claim.
Viewing Claims Information by a Provider
In this module, you will learn how to view the claim header and service line information of Professional, Institutional, and Dental claims.
Introduction to Claims Administration
In this module, you will learn about the key components of the Claims Administration function. The Claims Administration function allows authorized State users to perform tasks that include maintenance of error codes and alternate dispositions, setting up rules to determine the type of claim, managing Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostics and Treatment (EPSDT) periodicity schedule, and maintaining remittance advice (RA) banner messages.
Manually Generating Correspondence Letters in Claims
In this module, you will be introduced to the concept of letter of correspondence and their function in Claims. You will also learn about the various tasks that allow generation of correspondence letters and the format of the letters.
Selecting Claims for Mass Adjustments
In this module, you will learn how to use the search criteria to select claims for mass adjustment.
Member Services-Siebel: Eligibility, Claims and Third Pary Liability (TPL) Information
In this module you will learn how to retrieve individual eligibility and enrollment information as well as how to view facility and provider receivables information, and more.
Managing a Claims Audit
In this module you will learn:
The steps involved in the Managing a Claims Audit
Assessment: Managing Claims
Introduction to Manage Claims
Managing Claims
In this module you will learn:
The steps involved in the Manage Claim process