In this module, you will learn how a adjust a Professional claim information by a provider
Adjusting Professional Claim Headers by a State User
In this module, you will learn how to perform adjustment tasks such as replacing and voiding a professional claim, modifying data for a claim, and uploading the relevant documents as required. You will also learn how to make adjustments to the claim information using the Show menu.
Viewing Member Spenddown Matching Claims
In this module, you will learn how to view spenddown matching claims data of a member.
Adding and Modifying Claim Status Category Code
In this module, you will learn the basic details associated with the data set and the steps to add and modify Claim Status Category Code data set.
Adding and Modifying RARC
In this module, you will learn the basic details associated with the data set and the steps to add and modify RARC data set.
Adding and Modifying Claim Status Code
In this module, you will learn the basic details associated with the data set and the steps to add and modify Claim Status Code data set.
Adding and Modifying CARC
In this module, you will learn the basic details associated with the data set and the steps to add and modify CARC data set.