In this module, you will learn how to manage the EDI user list by modifying the password of an existing EDI user. You will also learn how to recover an existing EDI user password.
Exporting a List Page to Excel in PRISM
Important documents and correspondences are uploaded, Stored and Cataloged using a content management software called FileNet.
By using a series of pre-configured search options, an authorized State user can use FileNet to easitly search for and download documents that have been submitted via PRISM, Siebel, or PEGA.
Producing and Displaying Cognos Reports
In this module, you will learn about producing and reviewing On Demand and Schedule Reports in Cognos Analytics.
Managing the EDI User List
In this module, you will learn how to manage the EDI user list by modifying the information of an existing EDI user. You will also learn how to lock or re-activate an existing EDI user.