Baby Your Baby Information
Baby Your Baby (BYB) is temporary medical coverage (Medicaid) for low-income, pregnant women who qualify. BYB covers pregnancy-related outpatient services provided by any Utah Medicaid Provider. It does not cover the delivery of the baby.
A BYB representative will determine whether you qualify for BYB. After you answer the application questions, you will choose a BYB site from a list of locations close to where you live. A BYB representative from that site will then determine if you qualify for BYB.
Your application will also serve as an ongoing Medicaid application. If you are eligible for ongoing Medicaid, you will be covered for the rest of your pregnancy along with the hospital stay and delivery charges. Your baby will also be covered under Medicaid for one year.
You can only receive BYB once per pregnancy.
For more information about BYB call 1-800-826-9662 or visit the BYB website opens in a new tab.