Medicaid is a medical program for people who have low-income and limited resources. There are programs for families, pregnant women, people age 65 and older, people who are disabled or blind, and individuals with breast or cervical cancer. To be eligible for Medicaid, you must meet a program type and meet the rules for Utah residency, income, and citizenship. Below you can find more detailed information and resources available to Medicaid members.
Educational Materials
- What Is Medicaid?: English & Spanish
- Leaving Foster Care
- Emergency Medicaid Services
- Primary Care Network (PCN) Medicaid for those with Disabilities: English & Spanish
- Medicaid Nursing Home Information: English & Spanish
- Disability Medicaid: English & Spanish
- Medicaid Work Incentive Program: English & Spanish
- Medicare Assistance: English & Spanish
- Medicaid Spenddown: English & Spanish
- Medicaid Estate Recovery
Covered Services
- Utah Medicaid Benefits
- Medicaid Member Guide: English & Spanish
- Adult Co-Pay Chart: English & Spanish
- Dental Benefits for Medicaid, CHIP and PCN
- Birth Control Chart: English & Spanish
- Over the Counter Medication List
- Utah Medical Program Summary
- How Do I Get to Medical Appointments (Transportation)
Informational Flyers
- Medicaid Member Card FAQ for MEMBERS
- Medicaid Member Card FAQ for PROVIDERS
- cHIE FAQs for Members
- Tobacco Cessation Benefits
- Notice of Privacy Practices: English & Spanish
- Your Rights & Responsibilities – Medicaid Eligibility: English & Spanish
- Hearing Request Form: English & Spanish
- Personal Health Information Disclosure Form