372 - Annual Report on Home and Community-Based Services Waivers

Waiver Year:
Report Type:
$26,076 <= $43,321
Level/s of Care:
Note: Average Per Capita (APC)
Annual Number of Section 1915c Waiver Recipients and Expenditures:
(Specify each service as in the approved waiver)
Service Name Level of Care Expenses Participants
-- Other
If Other, specify:
Adult Day Care
NF $0 0
-- Other
If Other, specify:
Adult Residential Services (Adult Host Homes)
NF $0 0
-- Other
If Other, specify:
Adult Residential Services (Assisted Living Facilities)
NF $11,464,038 638
-- Other
If Other, specify:
Adult Residential Services (Community Residential Care)
NF $1,550,119 99
-- Other
If Other, specify:
Adult Residential Services (Community Residential Care- Intensive)
NF $546,370 39
-- Other
If Other, specify:
Assistive Technology Services
NF $0 0
-- Other
If Other, specify:
Attendant Care Services
NF $156,207 74
-- Other
If Other, specify:
Caregiver Training
NF $0 0
-- Other
If Other, specify:
Case Management Service
NF $2,864,199 766
-- Other
If Other, specify:
Chore Services
NF $11,064 5
-- Other
If Other, specify:
Consumer Preparation Services
NF $0 0
-- Other
If Other, specify:
Environmental Accessibility Adaptations (Home Modifications)
NF $0 0
-- Other
If Other, specify:
Environmental Accessibility Adaptations (Vehicle modification)
NF $0 0
-- Other
If Other, specify:
Financial Management Services
NF $6,240 15
-- Other
If Other, specify:
Habilitation Services
NF $22,397 16
Home Delivered Meals NF $12,588 20
-- Other
If Other, specify:
Homemaker Service
NF $66,294 37
-- Other
If Other, specify:
Institutional Transition Services
NF $31,399 71
-- Other
If Other, specify:
Medication Assistance Services (Medication Reminder System)
NF $251 4
-- Other
If Other, specify:
Personal Budget Assistance
NF $61,583 244
-- Other
If Other, specify:
Personal Emergency Response System (Installation, Testing & Removal)
NF $296 4
-- Other
If Other, specify:
Personal Emergency Response System (Purchase, Rental, Repair)
NF $195 6
-- Other
If Other, specify:
Personal Emergency Response System (Response Center Service Fee)
NF $8,442 33
-- Other
If Other, specify:
Respite Care (Routine)
NF $2,204 1
-- Other
If Other, specify:
Respite Care (Client's Home)
NF $1,456 2
-- Other
If Other, specify:
Respite Care (Room and Board Included)
NF $1,108 1
-- Other
If Other, specify:
Specialized Behavioral Health Services (Level I)
NF $0 0
-- Other
If Other, specify:
Specialized Behavioral Health Services (Level II)
NF $0 0
-- Other
If Other, specify:
Specialized Behavioral Health Services (Level III)
NF $0 0
Specialized Medical Equipment and Supplies NF $54,084 141
-- Other
If Other, specify:
Supportive Maintenance
NF $129 1
-- Other
If Other, specify:
Transportation - Non Medical (Per Mile)
NF $0 0
-- Other
If Other, specify:
Transportation - Non Medical (Per One-Way Trip)
NF $52,081 113
-- Other
If Other, specify:
Transportation - Non Medical (Public Transit Pass)
NF $9,715 47
-- Other
If Other, specify:
Medication Assistance Services(Medication Setup)
NF $13,784 17
Findings of Monitoring:
I, do certify that the information shown on the Form CMS-372(S) is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief:
Contact Information (optional):